* Freehold
* Three Bedrooms
* Semi - Detached Cottage
* Gated Driveway Parking
* Front & Rear Gardens
* Two Receptions
* Sun Room
* Kitchen/Breakfast Room
* Family Bathroom
* Quiet Village Location
* Viewing Advised
Located in the quiet village of Duton Hill is this beautiful three bedroom
semi - detached cottage boasting gated driveway parking and established gardens.
The ground floor accommodation comprises: - sitting room, dining room, sun
room, kitchen/breakfast room and entrance porch. On the first floor are three
bedrooms and a family bathroom.
**Entrance Porch**
Solid wood flooring, door to.
**Dining Room (3. 91 x 3. 83 (12'9" x 12'6"))**
Window to front aspect, exposed timbers, radiator, power points, doors to.
**Sitting Room (4. 36 x 3. 91 (14'3" x 12'9"))**
Window to front aspect, feature brick fireplace, power points, T. V point, wall
mounted air conditioning unit, opening to.
**Sun Room (3. 91 x 1. 74 (12'9" x 5'8"))**
Windows to multiple aspects, French doors leading to the rear garden, solid
wood flooring.
**Kitchen/Breakfast Room (4. 31 x 3. 63 (14'1" x 11'10"))**
Window to multiple aspects, base and eye level units with complimentary
working surfaces over, inset twin Butler sink, space for range cooker, inset
washing machine, inset tumble dryer, integrated fridge/freezer, exposed
timbers, radiator, power points, part tiled walls, tiled flooring, door
leading to the rear garden.
**First Floor Landing**
Window to side aspect, radiator, power points, loft access, doors to.
**Bedroom One (4. 36 x 3. 91 (14'3" x 12'9"))**
Windows to multiple aspects, a range of fitted wardrobes, radiator, power
**Bedroom Two (3. 91 x 3. 83 (12'9" x 12'6"))**
Window to front aspect, radiator, power points, exposed timbers.
**Bedroom Three (4. 3 x 3 (14'1" x 9'10"))**
Window to rear aspect, radiator, power points. , wall mounted air conditioning
**Family Bathroom**
Opaque window to side aspect, enclosed bath with mixer taps & shower
attachment, wash hand basin with pedestal, W. C, exposed floorboards, radiator.
**Gated Driveway Parking**
To the front of the property is a shingle driveway providing parking for two
vehicles which is accessed via timber double gates.
**Front & Rear Gardens**
To the front of the property is an enclosed garden which is mainly lawn with a
flower bed border and mature trees. To the side of the property is an
additional lawn area with various sheds/timber outbuildings and a green house.
To the rear of the property is a patio area leading to the remainder lawn with
a variety of mature shrubs and a Koi carp pond.