5 bed terraced house for sale in Coundon Road, Coundon, Coventry CV1, £300,000


Offer Nr.:
Type of ad:
for Sale
Property type:
5 bed terraced house
Reception rooms:
Contact name:
Connells - Coventry
024 7662 0217

* Virtual Tour Available
* Freehold
* Mid Terrace Property
* Five Lettable Rooms
* Ground Floor Shower Room And First Floor Bathroom
* Communal Lounge, Breakfast Room And Kitchen
* Close To Coventry City Centre
* Ideal Investment Buy
Conveniently situated within walking distance of Coventry City Centre and
Coventry University this mid terrace property benefits central heating, double
glazing and a burglar alarm system.
Conveniently situated to Coventry City Centre and Coventry University this mid
terrace property benefits central heating, double glazing and a burglar alarm
system. The accommodation briefly comprises: Ground floor lounge, dining room,
fitted kitchen, utility, w/c, shower room, five bedrooms and a first floor
Front door.
**Entrance Hall**
Stairs rising to first floor and doors to;
**Lounge** 14' 8" x 13' ( 4. 47m x 3. 96m )
Double glazed window to the front elevation, radiator and original fireplace.
**Reception Room/Bedroom Four** 12' 6" x 10' 6" ( 3. 81m x 3. 20m )
Double glazed doors opening onto the rear garden.
**Ground Floor Shower Room**
Tiled, comprising shower cubicle, toilet, wash hand basin and double glazed
**Dining Room** 14' 2" x 10' ( 4. 32m x 3. 05m )
Double glazed window to theside elevation, radiator and wall and base units.
**Fitted Kitchen** 10' 5" x 6' 4" ( 3. 17m x 1. 93m )
wall and base mounted units incorporating an inset single drainer sink unit
with work surfaces and tiled splashbacks over. Electric oven and electric hob
with cookerhood over, space for domestic appliance, tiled flooring, double
glazed window to the side elevation.
**Utility Room**
Plumbing for washing machine & tumble dryer.
**Ground Floor W/C**
Comprising toilet, wash hand basin and double glazed window to the rear
**First Floor Landing**
Doors to;
**Bedroom One** 16' 11" x 14' 1" ( 5. 16m x 4. 29m )
Double glazed bay window to the front elevation, radiator, fireplace and fire
**Bedroom Two** 13' 5" x 7' 11" ( 4. 09m x 2. 41m )
Double glazed window to the rear elevation, radiator and fire alarm.
**Bedroom Three** 12' 7" x 10' 1" ( 3. 84m x 3. 07m )
Double glazed window to the rear elevation, radiator and fire alarm.
**Fitted Bathroom**
Tiled, comprising bath, toilet, wash hand basin.
**Second Floor Landing**
Door to;
**Bedroom Five** 13' 8" x 12' 8" ( 4. 17m x 3. 86m )
Double glazed window to the rear elevation, radiator, storage cupboard and
fire alarm.
**Front Of Property**
Small foregarden with access to front door.
**Rear Garden**
Long garden with paved area.
1\. Money laundering regulations - Intending purchasers will be asked to
produce identification documentation at a later stage and we would ask for
your co - operation in order that there will be no delay in agreeing the sale.
2: These particulars do not constitute part or all of an offer or contract.
3: The measurements indicated are supplied for guidance only and as such must
be considered incorrect.
4: Potential buyers are advised to recheck the measurements before committing
to any expense.
5: Connells has not tested any apparatus, equipment, fixtures, fittings or
services and it is the buyers interests to check the working condition of any
6: Connells has not sought to verify the legal title of the property and the
buyers must obtain verification from their solicitor.

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