5 bed detached house for sale in Priory Wood, Castle Hedingham, Halstead CO9, £750,000


Offer Nr.:
Type of ad:
for Sale
Property type:
5 bed detached house
Reception rooms:
Contact name:
William H Brown - Halstead
01787 275003

* Freehold
* Beautifully presented
* Countryside views
* Village location
* Snug
We are delighted to offer this beautifully presented, 5 bedroom, detached
family home in the sought after village of Castle Hedingham. Benefits from
being modern throughout, a landscaped rear garden and countryside views.
Castle Hedingham is a very pretty village containing a wealth of fine period
houses and cottages. Local amenities include a village shop, Post Office, St
Nicholas Parish Church, pubs, social club, doctor's surgery and playing
fields. The nearby market towns of Halstead, Sudbury and Braintree all have
shopping facilities and rail services operate from Sudbury and Braintree which
both provide services to London Liverpool Street.
**Entrance Hall**
Door to front aspect. Cupboard. Stairs to first floor. Doors leading to
cloakroom, snug, kitchen/diner and lounge.
Window to side aspect. Suite comprising wc and hand basin.
**Snug** 11' 2" x 9' 10" ( 3. 40m x 3. 00m )
Window to front aspect.
**Lounge** 20' 8" x 18' 4" ( 6. 30m x 5. 59m )
Window to front aspect. French doors to rear aspect.
**Kitchen / Diner** 22' x 11' 2" ( 6. 71m x 3. 40m )
Window and french door's to rear aspect. Range of modern wall and base units.
Door leading to utility room.
**Utility Room** 9' 10" x 6' 3" ( 3. 00m x 1. 91m )
Door to side aspect. Wall and base units. Space for white goods.
Two windows to front aspect. Doors leading to all bedrooms and bathroom.
**Bedroom One** 13' 1" x 11' 6" ( 3. 99m x 3. 51m )
Window to rear aspect. Built in wardrobes. Door leading to en - suite.
**En - Suite**
Window to rear aspect. Modern suite comprising wc, wash basin and shower
cubicle. Towel rail.
**Bedroom Two** 13' 1" x 9' 6" ( 3. 99m x 2. 90m )
Window to rear aspect. Built in wardrobes.
**Bedroom Three** 12' 10" x 9' 10" ( 3. 91m x 3. 00m )
Window to front aspect. Built in wardrobes.
**Bedroom Four** 12' 6" x 9' 2" ( 3. 81m x 2. 79m )
Window to front aspect. Built in wardrobes.
**Bedroom Five** 9' 10" x 5' 7" ( 3. 00m x 1. 70m )
Window to rear aspect.
Window to side aspect. Modern suite comprising wc, wash basin, bath and shower
cubicle. Towel rail.
**Outbuilding(s)** 16' 9" x 11' 6" ( 5. 11m x 3. 51m )
Currently used as a gym.
**Front Garden**
Landscaped with lighting.
**Rear Garden**
Laid to lawn with patio area. Countryside views.
1\. Money laundering regulations: Intending purchasers will be asked to
produce identification documentation at a later stage and we would ask for
your co - operation in order that there will be no delay in agreeing the sale.
2\. General: While we endeavour to make our sales particulars fair, accurate
and reliable, they are only a general guide to the property and, accordingly,
if there is any point which is of particular importance to you, please contact
the office and we will be pleased to check the position for you, especially if
you are contemplating travelling some distance to view the property.
3\. The measurements indicated are supplied for guidance only and as such must
be considered incorrect.
4\. Services: Please note we have not tested the services or any of the
equipment or appliances in this property, accordingly we strongly advise
prospective buyers to commission their own survey or service reports before
finalising their offer to purchase.
5\. These particulars are issued in good faith but do not constitute
representations of fact or form part of any offer or contract. The matters
referred to in these particulars should be independently verified by
prospective buyers or tenants. Neither sequence (UK) limited nor any of its
employees or agents has any authority to make or give any representation or
warranty whatever in relation to this property.

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