1 bed semi-detached bungalow for sale in Beverstone, Orton Brimbles, Peterborough PE2, £100,000


Offer Nr.:
Type of ad:
for Sale
Property type:
1 bed semi-detached bungalow
Reception rooms:
Contact name:
Connells - Peterborough
01733 860203

* Leasehold
* One Bedroom
* Semi Detached Bungalow
* Over 55's
* Leasehold
* Off Road Parking
One bedroom, semi detached over 55's bungalow located in the popular Orton
Brimbles. Accommodation comprises of an entrance hall, lounge, hallway,
kitchen, bathroom, bedroom and rear garden. To the front there is a lawn area
and off road parking leading to the rear.
This is an area of mixed public and private sector housing dating almost
entirely from the 1980s. Orton Brimbles contains the Ortons' first and only
purpose - built solar powered houses at Gostwick. There is also Ormiston Meadows
Academy, formerly Matley Primary School, a mainstream primary school with
Enhanced Resources provision for children with physical disabilities.
There is a row of shops, including a post office, at Matley which also has a
community centre where the Salvation Army hold Sunday services. Orton Brimbles
falls within Orton Waterville Parish Council area.
**Entrance Hall**
UPVC door to front and storage cupboard.
**Lounge** 16' x 10' 7" ( 4. 88m x 3. 23m )
UPVC window to rear and storage heater.
Airing cupboard housing water tank.
**Kitchen** 11' 4" x 6' 6" ( 3. 45m x 1. 98m )
UPVC door to rear, UPVC window to rear, high and low level storage with
worktops over, stainless steel sink/drainer with mixer tap, washing machine
plumbing, electric integrated oven, induction hob tiled splashbacks and
storage heater.
**Bedroom One** 11' 4" x 9' 9" ( 3. 45m x 2. 97m )
UPVC window to rear, storage heater and loft access.
UPVC window to side, low level WC, wash hand basin, tiled splashbacks, shower
cubicle and heated towel rail.
**Front Garden**
Mainly laid to lawn, off road parking, side access leading to rear and path to
entrance door.
**Rear Garden**
Mainly laid to lawn and patio area.
We currently hold lease details as displayed above, should you require further
information please contact the branch. Please note additional fees could be
incurred for items such as leasehold packs.
1\. Money laundering regulations - Intending purchasers will be asked to
produce identification documentation at a later stage and we would ask for
your co - operation in order that there will be no delay in agreeing the sale.
2: These particulars do not constitute part or all of an offer or contract.
3: The measurements indicated are supplied for guidance only and as such must
be considered incorrect.
4: Potential buyers are advised to recheck the measurements before committing
to any expense.
5: Connells has not tested any apparatus, equipment, fixtures, fittings or
services and it is the buyers interests to check the working condition of any
6: Connells has not sought to verify the legal title of the property and the
buyers must obtain verification from their solicitor.

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