* Fridge Freezer
* Full Double Glazing
The property is located on the first floor; the hallway has doors leading to
the kitchen, lounge, bedroom and bathroom and has a storage cupboard housing
the water cylinder. The flooring is laminate. The kitchen is newly fitted and
has a range of wall and floor mounted units with worktop over. There is a
stainless steel sink with a single drainer and mixer tap over with tiled
splash backs. In the kitchen there is a stainless steel oven with matching hob
and hood extractor and space for a fridge / freezer. The kitchen has two
windows to the side and tiled flooring. In the lounge there are three windows
to the front and laminate flooring. The bedroom has two windows to the front
with laminate flooring. The bathroom is newly fitted with a three piece suite
comprising of a panelled bath with a fitted electric shower over with a glass
shower screen. The bathroom has a wash hand basin and a low level W. C. And is
tiled. The flat has electric heaters throughout and is double glazed.